Monday 2 November 2009


Today is the first day of the Blogging for Scrapbookers class with Shimelle. And I'm up-to-date! Ha! ha! I always start out with the best of intentions but invariably fall behind with Shimelle's classes and I have only ever managed to complete two of them. Well one day down and 14 prompts to go. Can but hope!


  1. good luck! I only manage to finish Journal Your Christmas, but it takes me until March to do it

  2. Hi Bernice. You're doing better than me, I can't work out Day 1 instructions at all. Hey Ho!

  3. Me to, haven't yet finished a class, I have good intentions and then life takes over.

    I follow the same life mantra too, Dust is nature's protector. :)

  4. Your blog is so pretty! I'm still working on my intentions but I intend to consider them very soon!

  5. Good luck with Shimelle's class!

  6. Looking forward to reading what you come up with for the rest of the prompts!

  7. The blog looks great! I did a update on mine but I'm not exactly doing the class prompt by prompt. Just kinda picking and choosing!

  8. Nov 2??? LOL! Girl you better get bloggin'! Just checkin' on ya! Hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving!


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