Saturday, 29 October 2016

Extex 5 Session 4

At the beginning of each session we have a show and tell of what we have done for homework.  There is such a variety of things to see as people go off in different directions.

I had sewn three of my six 'panels' and will continue with the other three during the next few weeks.

Session 4: Still Life
We had each been asked to bring three items from home for Kim to set up a Still Life for us to draw and to paint.
Kim's photo

I did these on the Saturday.

On Sunday we had to choose one of them to tear up so I used the picture above and then reassembled it and started to stitch.

Kim wasn't very impressed with the dark stitching up the right hand side and when I showed it to Roger he wasn't either.  I decided to remove it.

One of my issues with work I do is that I often stop too soon.  Sometimes it's because I don't know what to do next and sometimes because I just get fed up and go on to the next thing!  Kim encouraged me to keep stitching and this how it looks now.   I'm looking forward to showing it to Kim today to see if it's done or whether there's more to do.

In addition I sorted out some more of my workbook.   I had taken photos of the 'panels' and had printed them out in case I wanted to work out where to stitch on them.  I tore them up and collaged them onto a page in my workbook.

I cut rectangles from another page so that parts of the collage peek through.

I printed out the photos of the Still Life and put them into my workbook.

I put together some of the torn paper left over from the large picture and put that in the book with a photo of the original.

And photos of the work in progress.

I'm looking forward to this weekend which is about knitting, felting, needle-felting and weaving.

Thansk for stopping by.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Glimpses of Jesus 43

Glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament is a year long bible study written by Simon Clay of Jubilee Church Solihull.   You can join in at any time.

Today's post is about the coming of Jesus as God's Shepherd in Ezekiel 34.

Sometimes it's quite hard to think of a creative response to these marvellous posts that Simon writes.   I have lots of pictures of sheep so I used another one of them for this page.  The sheep are scattered across the field.

Do have a look back through the posts on the Glimpses of Jesus blog where you will find links to other people's art and poetry.

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Paper Transformations

Last week I went to Art Van Go for two days to do a workshop with Amanda Hislop called: Paper Transformations - Taking Paper Books Further.  I went with my friend Sandie.

The first activity was to choose a size of page you wanted your finsihed book to be and then to make some pages to that size using different kinds of papers.  I chose to make an 8 inch square book.  While we were waiting for the glue to dry we started the next activity.

Amanda introduced us to mark making using various tools and inks.  We also added water with a brush.

We moved on to making marks on the pages we had assembled.

We used a wax candle as a resist

Lots of my pages were more than 8 inches square so that I could have folded bits.

On the second day more mark making activity went on.  Then I started assembling various bits and pieces.

This is a brown envelope with added painted papers made into a mini zigzag book.

This is a piece of Khadi paper folded and pieces of one of the painted papers cut up and stuck on.  It needs stitching or some more marks with pen.

This is the start of a collage.

Remember the decison to make an 8 inch square book!  Well this is it!!!!  8 inches by 4 inches

I folded the pages so that they were 8 inches square and then folded them in half to make signatures.

The large sheets of mark making were cut and folded to make zigzag books

And lastly I cut up the square I had done just with ink and water and stuck it on to Khadi paper.

Lots of lovely starting points for future work.

Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Glimpses of Jesus 42

Glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament is a year long bible study written by Simon Clay of Jubilee Church Solihull.   You can join in at any time.

Today's post is about the new covenant in Jeremiah 33.

The next page in my journal looked like this - I have no idea why!

I painted over it with a light colour acrylic.  When the paint was dry I drew a scroll and a heart.

I painted the heart.

I coloured the scroll with Distress Ink.  I wrote the verse on the scroll.

Do have a look back through the posts on the Glimpses of Jesus blog where you will find links to other people's art and poetry.

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Ice Ice Baby!

On Monday I went to a workshop at Littleheath Barn with Liske and Claire.

In the morning we set up our ice dyeing and in the afternoon we did a colour run.  I am going to take each activity that I did and show it through to the finished fabric which took 24 hours rather than show the set up altogether and then the all the finished fabric.

I did three different lots of ice dyeing.

In the lower pot I put two lots of twisted cloth.

As I hadn't soda-washed the fabric I sprinkled some soda on and put a lyaer of ice.  I sprinkled turquoise, charcoal and rust procion dyes over the top and left them to 'cure'.

One of the fabrics I had carefully ironed into the concertina pleast before twisting and the other one I just folded and twisted.

In the second pot I fold two pieces of fabric - one into triangles which was held together with elastic bands and one folded into squares.

I did the same sequences as before - soda, ice, dyes - using indigo, charcoal and lime.  As there was a lot of room left in the pot I scrunched up another piece of fabric and put charcoal, rust and dark brown dye powder.

The crumpled fabric.

Folded into triangles.

Folded into squares.

The last ice dyeing was done in a tray with three different fabrics crumpled up.  I used the turquoise, rust and charcoal again.

Here the ice has started to melt.

And this is what I ended up with.

The afternoon's colour run featured the turquoise and the rust.  Each colour was made up with water and then the fabrics were dyed in plastic bags.

The dye was added neat at each end and the ones in the middle had different amounts of each colour.

20 hours later I took them out of the bags to rinse.  They should have been in a bit longer but I was going away to another workshop - more about that next week.

And here's the finished dye run.  When I had finished making up the bags with one piece of fabric in each I put a second piece of fabric and as there was so much dye left the second piece is a lighter colour.

There was some dye left over from this exercise so I tried some 'furrow' dyeing.  The fabric was folded and put into the pot and dye dripped onto the fabric.

So now I have a range of dyed fabrics that go together.  I have no idea what I shall make with them but it was fun doing it.

Thanks for stopping by