As a thank you for demonstrating printing techniques at the Festival of Quilts the team was invited to spend a day or days at the Committed to Cloth studio. I had 3 days available but ended up only using two of them, spending the third day as a day out with Roger.
I took with me all the fabrics that I have printed using breakdown printing, either at Committed to Cloth or at Urban Studio North with Leah Higgins.
Leslie and I looked at all my fabrics and took out those that needed more work. So on day one I printed over the existing fabric using procion dyes.
Above: the original printed fabric from C2C 2018 Below: Over printed and dyed. Still not a fan of the fabric
1m x 1.5m |
Above part of the origianl fabric printed in 2018 which I thought was too bright.
Below mark making with black dye. The photograph doesn't show the true colour of the fabric - it is much nearer the colour of the original.
1m square |
Above: the original print which had too much white.
Below: with added texture
1m x 0.5m |
Above: the fabric was too pale. I think the photo above was taken before the print paste was washed out as the fabric was definitely paler than this.
Below: added turquoise and a different screen
1m x 1.5m |
Above: part of the original print. Photo taken before it was washed out.
Below: added colour. Not sure about it, but I expect it will be fin once it's cut up.
1m x 0.5m |
Next time: all about the fabrics I cut up and reassembled!
Thanks for joining me today.