Tuesday, 30 November 2021

More fabric collages

Last week we were back at Littleheath Barn for the next session of Textile Explorations.  Liske suggested some ideas for experimenting.  One of which was to use water soluble fabric.

They have yet to be cut down to 10cm square.  And I'm not sure what backing fabric I'm going to use.

A second suggestion was making two contrasting squares and cutting them exactly the same to mix and match the pattern.

The bottom two have had foil added.  The one on the left had glue applied through a Thermofax screen and the one on the right had little strips of bondaweb ironed on.

I tried the four samples done with water soluble fabric on different colour backgrounds

Which colour would you have chosen?   This is my choice

 And here are the other four cut to size.

Thanks for joining me today

Saturday, 27 November 2021

Starting tomorrow

My friend Mary produces amazing Bible studies and in particular I love the one she does for Advent.

Advent Words is a Bible Study combined with a creative response.  Mary posts the study every day through Advent which starts tomorrow.  You can follow along with Advent Words without the creative journaling if you wish.

Last year I put my Advent Words in my Living Your Word of the Year Journal.  I wasn't sure what I was going to do this year and then I happened upon this concertina sketchbook in Hobbycraft for just £2.   I bought 3.  They come with the concertina part fixed to the covers. (top left).  With one I cut the end fold so that I can use the back of the pages (right) and with the other I removed the spine from the cover (bottom).  I will probably remove the ribbon tie from the this last one.

I downloaded some free images from Visual Faith Ministry.

I found some scrapbooking papers I had stashed away.  Not at all Christmassy, but all my Christmas stash is packed away in storage with all the Church Studio resources whilst we have no building.

I printed out the words in a font called FilledABC.  I don't usually like words to be in capitals but I thought I would go with these.

I've set up the journal ready for tomorrow.  It's mostly still black and white.  I will colour in the images from Visual Faith.

Each week will have a layout like this - with the candle wreath and the words for the coming week.  I will colour each candle flame on the appropriate weeks.

And here are my pages prepped ready to begin.

I still haven't found a way to take decent photos of concertina journals.  I think I will make that my mission for the next 4 weeks - to master taking photos of my journals.

Will you be celebrating Advent or recording December in some way?  December Daily and Journal Your Christmas are popular ways.

Thanks for joining me today.

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Snapshot Girls

We had a choice of four themes through October & November from which we were to choose two.

My first choice was Panel of 3. Although we weren't totally sure of what that meant I took three photos in my garden and then put them together using an App called Layout.

My second choice, surprise surprise!, was corrosion & decay.  I used photos from my archive for this.

Thanks for joining me today

Saturday, 20 November 2021

More collages. Really!

Yes really!  More collages.

In Saturday Sketchbooks Hilary has been concentrating on collage and pattern.  One suggestion she made was that we made collages and then copied them on the next page, colour matching our paints as best we could.   This didn't appeal to me at all.  I mentioned in the previous post that I am using half an A5 concertina sketchbook.  I decided to do a series of collages using a limited colour palette.   I'm really pleased with the results.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do next.

Thanks for joining me today

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Making little books

I am thrilled that my eldest grandson, aged 6, loves to make little books.  As he is in Australia and I am in the UK, it is not possible to make them together.  The next best thing is to make short videos for him.  I thought I would share them with you.  (Sorry they don't have subtitles).

I made this video in 2013 but it's still relevant!

This is a new video to go with the one above.  And you will notice you don't actually need the ruler!

And this is the newest one.

I hope you enjoy making some little books.

Thanks for joining me today

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Another online course

I signed up for an online course through Fibre Arts Take Two.  The course is called Process & Possibilities - Connecting with Collage.   The tutor is Cordula Kagemann.

I have watched all of the videos and done some of the activities.  I made some collages and am continuing to make them.

I tried image transfer but this one didn't work very well.  I'll try again sometime.

I also tried making a textile sheet.  My first attempt became dark grey because I didn't allow the layers to dry properly before putting the next layer on.  I knocked it back with white paint and a bit of turquoise, but it's still a bit grey.

With my second attempt I tried different colours of layers than those in Cordula's instructions.  This is much more in my colour palette.  I'm looking forward to cutting it up.

Thanks for joining me today.

Tuesday, 9 November 2021


October has been a month of collages.  You may have picked that up if you are a regular reader.  So it's not a surprise that my October journal pages are full of collages too.  Photos of the collages I've made rather than new collages.

I had to start a new journal as January to September completely filled the first one.  I am hoping to not only put the last 3 months of 2021 in this journal but to get the whole of 2022 into it too. I've cut back on some of the pages that Valerie includes in Plan With Me so I can do this.

As you can see the journal is quite colourful.

Thanks for joining me today

Saturday, 6 November 2021

And then . . .

I made some more!

Yes more 10cm square collages for the Textile Explorations workshop.

I'm trying to use up fabrics I have already made for previous projects.

Some of the collages are random.  Actually all of them are random! But some fit Liske's list of things to explore.  Below right is a log cabin square and at the bottom is paper lamination.

Actually paper lamination isn't on the list but I found some left over so I bonded it to some printed fabric.

And the next day I made 3 more.

Thanks for joining me today