Saturday, 23 October 2021

Sketchbook Saturdays

I signed up for a new workshop with Hilary Beattie called Sketchbook Saturdays.  This group is now full but it's worth keeping an eye on Hilary's shop page in case she puts on another group.

Hilary is always generous in sharing her passion, excitement and knowledge.  But for me, the added extra is that you can do your own thing within what she says.  Or totally ignore her!  Yes I'm one of THOSE students!

The first session was about making collages using magazine pages.  Here are the first four I've made in half an A5 Seawhite Concertina sketchbook.  I had previously cut the sketchbook in half and made a new cover for each half from the box it came in.

Collages are quite addictive so there will be more!

Thanks for joining me today


  1. This looks like a real winner of a workshop - so sad I didn't find out about it sooner while there were still openings. Love your magazine collages - looking forward to whatever you do during the coming year - whether you follow the prompts or not!

    1. Thank you. I think Hilary is planning to run it again in January


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