Saturday 30 October 2021

More Creative Play

Following on from my last post about paper collage play, my last two days were spent with paper and fabric.

At Festival of Quilts I had printed Venice based themes onto white cotton poplin.  I had taken the fabric with me to C2C.  After the conversations about contrast I decided it would be good to overdye some of the fabric to produce a medium and a dark version.   While I was waiting for the fabric to absorb the dye I made a paper collage using only black and shades of grey paper.

I also made a small zigzag book and inspired by some work I saw on Instagram from Littleheath Barn Studio I cut out circles and reinserted them.

I washed out the fabrics and dried them.

The fabrics didn't turn out quite how I had envisioned but this is what I have to work with.  I started cutting up the fabrics into different sizes of rectangles and put them on the deisgn wall.

The finished design which was then bonded to a backing fabric.

I also cut some squares from the original fabric and bonded them to a backing fabric.

By the end of the week my design wall looked like this

I enjoyed my 5 days of play.  There's no access to the internet or a phone signal at C2C so it's all about play and conversation.

Thanks for joining me today.

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