Saturday, 28 August 2021


A week ago we went to Leicester to look at a new-to-me car.  After a test drive where we got lost - despite the copious directions the salesman had given us - we decided that I would buy the car.

We could have driven it home that afternoon but we didn't.  Instead we went into the centre of Leicester and had lunch at The Globe.  We were amazed to see how lovely the city centre is.  We had not expected it to be old.  The Lanes were lovely.

After lunch we went to the Richard III visitor centre.

Sadly the Cathedral was closed by the time we had done that so we didn't get to see inside.

We walked down to the river.  I rather liked this building's mix of old and new.

We walked through Castle Gardens past this imposing building.

Then back to the car and the drive home.

We went back to pick up the car this week.

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Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Photo Scavenger Hunt

As we are not meeting in August, the ladies in my photography group decided that we would use Mary-Lou's Summer Scavenger Hunt list for our theme from mid-July to mid-September.

The full scavenger list is available here.

When we went out last week for my birthday I took the list with me and with three taken at home this is how far I have got.

3 Something to Represent Home but not the building
This set of keys has my home front door key and the key for my 'home from home' friends' house in Florida.  It's on a key ring chosen by my daughter-in-law as one of the gifts from their wedding.

5 The Art of the Fold
This is part of a wall hanging I made many years ago

7 What's in Bloom
Plants in the border at the Botanical Gardens

8 Window Views
Looking through the window to a wedding dress fair

9 Something Older Than You
A boundary marker from 1852

11 The Shape of Round/Circular
A bench at the Botanical Gardens

12 Something That Is Cause For Celebration
My birthday!

17 An Exit
Leaving th Botanical Gardens

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Saturday, 21 August 2021

Botanical Gardens

We actually went out!!!

We went to the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham and I took quite a few photos.  Here are some of them.  I hope you enjoy them.

Thanks for joining me today

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

How are you doing?

How are you getting on as we return to something near normal in the UK?

We went out to meet a group of friends from church in a restaurant last week.  There were 20 of us.  I was quite nervous all day but once I was there it was fine.

My car broke down.  Fortunately on my drive.  I had to get the RAC to come and sort it.  It turned out the computer thing inside in the engine needing resetting.  A bit like turning your printer off and on when it doesn't work!   Apparently lots of cars have had problems in the last few months due to lack of use!

And lack of use applies to my muscles too!

My car was away having new brake pads and so I decided to walk the less than a mile to the hairdressers.  I had to ask one of my neighbours to come and pick me up and take me home because the pains in my muscles was so great I couldn't walk back.

So now I am doing short walks each day to try to get back some level of stamina and fitness.

Our local council has sown wildflower meadow areas in the local park which has made the muscle pain more bearable.  I feel like I'm out in the countryside rather than suburbia.

I'm up to a mile now and learning to walk through the pain.  Each day the pain is in a different muscle.  Soon they'll stop moaning and I'll be able to get back to walking along towpaths.

Preferably ones with canalside pubs!

Thanks for joining me today

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Texture & Pattern

More photos for inspiration

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Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Thermofax printing

Last week I spent Thursday afternoon and Friday afternoon demonstrating printing on fabric with Thermofax screens and thickened dye, at the Festival of Quilts.  You can find out more about Thermofax screens at screens4printing.

I used a scraper or a sponge roller to push the dye through the screen.

I also used stencils.

I built up layers over layers - not waiting for anything to dry.

My aim was to cover all of the white fabric.

On Friday I bought a new screen.  I also started on a new piece of white fabric.

The wet dye always looks much darker than when the whole piece is washed out and ironed.

And here are the two pieces of fabric washed out.  This is a metre.

And this was a half metre

Now to think what I might make with it all.

Thanks for joining me today