Saturday, 28 April 2018

Art Cloth Day 3

As I mentioned in my last post, I went to Littleheath Barn Studio for part 3 of the Art Cloth course.  I continued to work on fabrics I had made last month.

This piece was thickened dye through a screenprinting frame with torn masking tape on it.

I had set up a screen for breakdown printing at the end of the last session and this is what it looked like before I started printing.

I printed on some of the pages of my sketchbook.

I printed on the fabric from the first photo.

I used Thermofax screens to print onto my large art cloth.

I used a Thermofax screen to add the scribbled spirals.

As I had already washed this fabric at home I was able to try some Formusol through the same screen which bleached out some of the dye.

When I got home I washed the fabrics to remove the Manutex that's in the thickened dyes.  It also washes out some of the dye which means the fabrics are paler.

The Art Cloths are also paler but I still like them!

Next time we are printing with fabric paints.  I might make some fun foam stamps.  However I've got until mid-May to think about what I want to do.

Thanks for joining me today.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Together Again

You may not remember my friend Elaine - my son's wife's sister's husband's mother - but I wrote about our road trip last year.   We got together again this week but in the English Midlands not South Carolina!

We had a quiet day on Tuesday.  On Wednesday we woke up to a beautiful day.  We drove to Kingswood Junction and walked alongside the Stratford Canal to the Fleur de Lys pub for lunch.

And back again of course!

On Thursday I went to Littleheath Barn Studio for day 3 of my Art Cloth course.  More about that next time.  And Elaine had a day to herself which included a coffee shop and a facial.  In the evening we went to my Lifegroup meeting.

On Friday we drove to Shrewsbury where we planned to do a 4.5 mile walk.  However we missed a bit out at the end because I was exhausted from the heat!

Shrewsbury School which is housed in an old workhouse.

Shrewsbury School and its rowing club.


We drove on to Oswestry where we stayed the night.  On Saturday I did a Mixed Media Textile Book workshop whilst Elaine did a 2.5 mile walk and visited coffee shops!

After the workshop we drove back to the centre of Birmingham to have dinner near The Mailbox.  Then we walked along the towpath to Symphony Hall.

We went to see Remembering Fred.  Roger had bought me 2 tickets as my Christmas present - one for me and one for a friend.  Isn't he wonderful!

Thanks for joining me today.

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Traverse at Uttoxeter

Traverse exhibited recently at the British Quilt & Stitch Village at Uttoexeter Racecourse.  You can read about the exhibition on the Traverse website.

Our theme has been Destinations and the work I exhibited at Uttoxeter was the same work shown at the NEC that I wrote about here.

Venice Tiles

The show was much smaller than the NEC but we spoke to far more people and received much more feedback from visitors.

On the last day I was approached by 4 different people who want to book me to teach the technique I used for the Venice tiles.  They all promised to email me so I'll have to wait and see if it happens.  I'm feeling excited, flabbergasted and terrified all at the same time.

Thanks for joining me today.

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

40 days of mark making

After the Amanda Hislop workshop Becca, Julie & I decided to take up a 40 day mark making challenge.  Two other ladies have joined us and we share our results in our little group.  Becca & I also put them on Instagram.

I started with an A6 Pink Pig sketchbook and a black pen.   Day1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

DAy 6

Day 7  I tried a Stabilo All pencil and a wet brush.

Day 8

Day 9 

Day 10  Wax with black watercolour paint

Day 11   Back to the pen

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15  Using a needle point bottle of acrylic ink

Day 16  Acrylic ink and black India ink and scraped with a pattern making tool

Day 17

Day 18  Asemic writing and then blowing ink with a straw

Day 19 Blowing ink blots with a straw

Day 20   And back to the spirals and squarels and blowing the ink.

Half way through!  Here's to the next 20 days.

Thanks for joining me today