Saturday, 29 August 2020

Rewind 2019

During August I am taking a rest from writing new blog posts.  Instead I am taking you back to blog posts I have written over the years.  Although I actually started the blog in 2008, I didn't really get going until 2011.

In this post I'll take you back to 2019.  I wrote 103 posts that year.

This post This is my life celebrates my 70th birthday.

Thanks for taking this journey with me through the celebration of my blog.  I hope you have enjoyed it.

Thanks to everyone who reads my blog.  I really appreciate your company.  An extra sepcial thanks who take the time to comment.


Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Rewind 2018

During August I am taking a rest from writing new blog posts.  Instead I am taking you back to blog posts I have written over the years.  Although I actually started the blog in 2008, I didn't really get going until 2011.

In this post I'll take you back to 2018.  I wrote 87 posts that year.

The post today is called Time to Talk.   I sometimes write about more serious things, in between the holiday photos and the workshops!

Thanks for joining me today

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Rewind 2017

During August I am taking a rest from writing new blog posts.  Instead I am taking you back to blog posts I have written over the years.  Although I actually started the blog in 2008, I didn't really get going until 2011.

In this post I'll take you back to 2017.  I wrote 100 posts that year.

Today's post was one of my more serious posts: Creativity and Vulnerability.  Serious posts pop up now and then!

Thanks for joining me today

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Rewind 2016

During August I am taking a rest from writing new blog posts.  Instead I am taking you back to blog posts I have written over the years.  Although I actually started the blog in 2008, I didn't really get going until 2011.

In this post I'll take you back to 2016.  I wrote 126 posts that year.

If you follow me regularly you'll know I love to take photographs.  So here's a predominantly photgraphic post: Bonfire Night.

Thanks for joining me today

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Rewind 2015

During August I am taking a rest from writing new blog posts.  Instead I am taking you back to blog posts I have written over the years.  Although I actually started the blog in 2008, I didn't really get going until 2011.

In this post I'll take you back to 2015.  I wrote 145 posts that year.

Today's post is a really interesting take on being a tourist: Have you tried being a tourist in your own city.

In fact Birmingham is the city next to the town I live in.  Perhaps I should try this again but using Solihull.

Thanks for joining me today

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Rewind 2014

During August I am taking a rest from writing new blog posts.  Instead I am taking you back to blog posts I have written over the years.  Although I actually started the blog in 2008, I didn't really get going until 2011.

In this post I'll take you back to 2014.  I wrote 193 posts that year.  Festival of Quilts sadly was cancelled this year so it's great to look at this post: My Unique Colour Story.

I had forgotten that I was using these colours six years ago.  Perhaps I should read through my blog more often!

Thanks for joining me today.

Saturday, 8 August 2020

Rewind 2013

During August I am taking a rest from writing new blog posts.  Instead I am taking you back to blog posts I have written over the years.  Although I actually started the blog in 2008, I didn't really get going until 2011.

In this post I'll take you back to 2013.  I wrote 261 posts that year.  More than in any other year!

Many years ago I was very interested in writing and this post: The Glover's Son includes a poem I wrote back in the day!

Thanks for joining me today.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Rewind 2012

During August I am taking a rest from writing new blog posts.  Instead I am taking you back to blog posts I have written over the years.  Although I actually started the blog in 2008, I didn't really get going until 2011.

In this post I'll take you back to 2012.  I wrote 164 posts that year.  There are two posts I really liked, so you get two for the price of one today.

Firstly a post from April: And here's what I know.  Even in 2012 I was telling myself I had to stop doing so many classes.  It has taken 8 years and Covid-19 to go cold turkey!

And the second post is from May 2012 about an anniversary card in Going Postal.

Thanks for joining me today

Saturday, 1 August 2020

Rewind 2011

During August I am going to take a rest from writing new blog posts.  Instead I am going to take you back to blog posts I have written over the years.  Although I actually started the blog in 2008, I didn't really get going until 2011.  I wrote 137 posts that year.

So fo the first in the series exploring my blog, I am taking you back to a post about a new course I was doing back then called Explore.

Thanks for joining me today.