Saturday, 25 January 2025

Old Year New Year

Amazingly we are almost at the end of the first month of 2025. I'm not at all sure where the month has gone to.

Last week Sara-Jane led the first poetry zoom session of the year.  The warm up exercise was to choose from one of five titles and write a poem or piece of prose.  I chose Between Silences.

Between Silences

Words were stilled.
Muted before the sounds
could reach the air.
Subdued, suppressed,
censored by petty debate.
Free speech gagged by order
of the righteous minority.

Outraged, a fearless few
stand to be counted.
Unwilling to be silenced
they speak the words
that some want forgotten.

It is said
that all that evil requires
to prevail
is that good men do

The silenced rose up,
clawed back the words,
the thoughts, the rights
that the inconsequential hoped
to cast into oblivion.

Now no longer silent
the muted sounds reach the air.
No longer subdued, suppressed or
censored between the silences.

The theme for this Theme Poetry Session was New Year Traditions.  There are some really interesting traditions around the world.  Have a look on the internet for yourself.  I chose to write about the change from the old year to the new.

Old Year, New Year

Janus, the two-faced god
of Roman myth
looks back at the old year
and forward to the new.

The god of new beginnings,
of gates and doorways,
of choices and transitions
but also the god of endings.

His month of January
can only start
with the ending
of December.

The new year can only begin
with the finish of the old.
He stands in the opening
heralding the new.

Janus, the two-faced god
of Roman myth, looks back
at the past and ahead
to the days to come.

Thanks for being here today

Saturday, 18 January 2025


I first learned about Commonplace books from Mary Brack in 2013.  It came to my attention again when reading Valerie Sjodin's blog post.  Keep scrolling through Valerie's post until you get to it!

I've long wanted to have a commonplace book but I always seem to manage to put it off.  There's always something else to do.  Plus the biggest stumbling block for me is starting - making the first mark on the page.  And I know I don't have to start on the first page.

Of course, the book is for me and not for anyone else but I still don't get going.  But 12 years on from first hearing about it, I've decided 2025 is the year to focus on one.  (See what I did there - focus!)

 I chose a Yop & Tom A5 dotted notebook.

As I've already said, I struggle with new notebooks - the white page that dares you to make a perfect mark - when you know that there will always be imperfection.  So I got some stickers and put them on random pages.

On this page I added Washi tape.

While I was tidying up I found a couple of things that I'd found a long time ago and had put in a pile wondering what to do with them!  They're now in the book.

I wrote out the chorus of a song I particularly like and decorated the page with two types of Washi tape.

Hopefully now that I've started, I can keep it going.

Thanks for being here today

Saturday, 11 January 2025

A Precious Present

For Christmas the Hopper Juniors and Minis gave me a leather bound journal.  It came beautifully wrapped in a box and brown paper both of which will get a second use!

The leather is soft and highly strokeable.  Inside it's a loose leaf binder with beautiful cream lined paper.   I've removed a fair chunk of the paper and put it in an envelope to keep safe for later!

The issue was what to use it for.  I wondered whether to keep it until September 2026 and use it to record my life when I'm the Artist in Residence in Hurstville.  However it seemed a bit ungrateful to not use it for another 20 months.  And there's always that problem of putting something in a safe place.

And then not being able to remember where the safe place is!

And then it came to me.  Why not start now by using it to record any ideas I have for the residency between now and then.  Make the journal the safe place!

I started by making some dividers out of Kraft card.

I wrote out the poems I've written so far on the theme  of Captivity, Freedom and Identity.

I printed out my application for the Residency and put it at the front of the journal.

I've been using to research my theme.  I am amazed by this AI site.  I feel I got about 18 months worth of research if I'd done it in the library in less than 10 minutes.

I have pages and pages of notes on:

  • words related to the themes of captivity, freedom and identity
  • a deeper look at how the themes interrelate
  • exploring the spiritual dimensions of captivity, freedom and identity
  • exploring the psychological dynamics of the the three themes
  • exploring the historical connections between them
  • exploring the historical intersections
  • exploring depression through the lenses of captivity, freedom and identity
  • exploring the themes through Christianity and the practical applications

Then I tried captivity, freedom and identity in textiles.  It came up with

  • the historical contexts
  • symbolic representations
  • contemporary artists
  • cultural significance and resistance
  • Underground railway quilt theories

I had seen a large installation by Chiharu Shota when we visited Adelaide in 2018.

And lastly I tried convict transportation to Australia and textiles which produced:

  • convict skills and labour
  • symbolic items
  • resistance and identity
  • legacy
  • the Parramatta Female Factory

We have visited Parramatta three or four times and didn't know about this factory.  On my list to visit in 2026.

There's pages and pages of it.  Each of the sentences above has lists of things underneath so rather than write it out I've printed it out and put it in the journal.

I need a lie down now!

I'm really pleased with how far I have got with the journal.  It will be a repository for ideas, lists of things to take with me, and any more research that I do over the next year and a half.

Thanks for joining me today

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Looking back, looking forward 3

Every year since 2011 I have chosen a word of the year. Over those years I've chosen Restore, Focus, Present, Participate, Thirst, Purpose, Connect, Gratitude/Thankfulness, Commit/Commitment, Walk, Intentional, More and Connect. 2024's word has been discover.

The definition of discover is

  • to see, get knowledge of, learn of, find, or find out; gain sight or knowledge of (something previously unseen or unknown)
  • to notice or realise
  • to make known; reveal; disclose 

I planned to discover my Creativity through Artist dates, Creative Writing, Online courses, Workshops, Photo walks, Studio Days and Jubilee Creative. 

I planned to discover my Identity through Time with God, Jubilee teaching, Journaling, Gratitude lists and Created to Thrive. 

I planned to discover my Well-being through Short local walks, Longer walks with Roger, Regular sleep pattern and Healthy eating

I planned to discover my Community through Life Group, Church, Friends, Jubilee Creative, Snapshot Girls, Jubilee Writers and Hive Mind.

So, how did I get on?

The things I achieved during 2024 are in green.  The gratitude lists were a bit intermittent.

I signed up for Online courses - I just didn't do them.  As far as I can remember the only walks I did with Roger were while we were in Australia.

What does surprise me, especially as an introvert, is the most successful area of my life last year has been turning up regularly in my community.  I don't mean neighbourhood, I mean those I connect with on a regular basis.

What else have I discovered as I look back at the last year?

  • I discovered it's hard to be thankful when you're anxious.
  • I discovered (yet again) that I'm too hard on myself.
  • I discovered (yet again) that I set too many goals which I then don't achieve.  And believe me that the list above of what I planned is far, far less than I've set myself in previous years!
  • I discovered (yet again) that I'm easily distracted and procrastinate

And lastly, I discovered that I should be really careful about the word I choose each year.  The choice is made based on what I want to see more of and it doesn't always work out how you thought it would.  There are personal things I've discovered about myself this year which are good to know but I would have liked an easier way to find them out!

So drum roll please! My word for 2025 is

So what am I going to focus on?

I'm focusing on finishing, fiction, faith, friends and fotography!  Cheesey or what!  These are the things I want to see more of in 2025.


  • the three Fibre Arts Take Two courses I signed up for.  In one case actually starting it!
  • the Artists' Deep Dive that is being re-run this month.  I tried to do it last January but anxiety got in the way.
  • any pieces of work whether textile or mixed media that I start
  • the day with a gratitude statement in my journal and keeping up to date with it.  I lost interest half way through 2024
  • the One Little Word 2025 class - the 2024 one got ditched half way through too.


  • this is just a word to cover reading and some of it will be non-fiction.  In 2024 I hardly read anything which is most unusal for me.  Mostly it was replaced with Chinese or Korean dramas - so I suppose you could say I was reading as I had to read the subtitles to have any idea of what was happening since I don't speak Chinese or Korean.

  • Plus I have lots of books about Textiles and Mixed Media and I rarely read the words - just look at the pictures.  So this would be a good time to focus on reading the books I've spent so much money on.


  • continuing to attend church and lifegroup
  • using reading plans to read the Bible everyday


  • continuing to meet with friends in person and online


  • continuing to be part of the ladies photography group
    taking more photos just for fun - go on photo walks maybe

I've looked back at many of the goals I set myself at the beginning of each Word of the Year and there's a steady stream of the same things each year.  2025 is no different although I did decide not to include fitness!  Not that I've achieved any level of fitness but including it is a way to set me up for failure.

Since August 2022 we have eaten more healthily and without added exercise I have lost 2 stone over that time.  Any walks during 2025 will just be a bonus.

Well done if you've read to the end of this blog post.  Let me know in the comments what you are hoping for in 2025.

Thanks for being here today