Saturday, 25 January 2025

Old Year New Year

Amazingly we are almost at the end of the first month of 2025. I'm not at all sure where the month has gone to.

Last week Sara-Jane led the first poetry zoom session of the year.  The warm up exercise was to choose from one of five titles and write a poem or piece of prose.  I chose Between Silences.

Between Silences

Words were stilled.
Muted before the sounds
could reach the air.
Subdued, suppressed,
censored by petty debate.
Free speech gagged by order
of the righteous minority.

Outraged, a fearless few
stand to be counted.
Unwilling to be silenced
they speak the words
that some want forgotten.

It is said
that all that evil requires
to prevail
is that good men do

The silenced rose up,
clawed back the words,
the thoughts, the rights
that the inconsequential hoped
to cast into oblivion.

Now no longer silent
the muted sounds reach the air.
No longer subdued, suppressed or
censored between the silences.

The theme for this Theme Poetry Session was New Year Traditions.  There are some really interesting traditions around the world.  Have a look on the internet for yourself.  I chose to write about the change from the old year to the new.

Old Year, New Year

Janus, the two-faced god
of Roman myth
looks back at the old year
and forward to the new.

The god of new beginnings,
of gates and doorways,
of choices and transitions
but also the god of endings.

His month of January
can only start
with the ending
of December.

The new year can only begin
with the finish of the old.
He stands in the opening
heralding the new.

Janus, the two-faced god
of Roman myth, looks back
at the past and ahead
to the days to come.

Thanks for being here today


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