Saturday, 1 February 2025

Captivity Collage

I love the online courses that Fibre Arts Take Two produce with a variety of different tutors.  They are well worth the money.

Especially if you actually get on and do them!!!!  At the beginning of the year I had one new one unstarted, two part way through - so unfinished, and one that I thought I had finished but it seems not.  Although upon further investigation it turned out that 10 new videos have been added.

The new course was The Art of Abstract Collage: Mastering Composition.  Bearing in mind that my word for the year is [focus], I applied myself to the course.  I focussed on watching all the videos and did some but not all of the suggested activities.

The bonus module was about using your own memories in a collage.  As regular readers know I have been working for the last several months on the theme of Captivity, Freedom and Identity.  So this seemed a good theme for a set of collages.

I prepped four 20cm square canvases and printed black and white photographs from Hyde Park Barracks, Sydney; Port Arthur, Tasmania and Fremantle Prison onto Rice Paper.  These are all convict sites we have visited in Australia over the years.

Using my stash of painted papers I worked on all four canvases at the same time.  I am really pleased with the results.  I am hoping they will part of the 'Expressions' Exhibition at the Redditch Needle Museum - Forge Mill - from 19th March to 27th April.

Now to focus on one of the other FATT courses either Visual Narratives with Sally Tyrie or Embrace the Journey with Wen Redmond.  Choices! Choices!

Whichever I choose, I probably need to go back to the beginning and rewatch the videos.

Thanks for being here today

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