Friday 28 October 2011

How to motivate myself

I was surfing the web this evening - probably a dangerous thing knowing my propensity to sign up for things.  And I found this: art every day month

I thought it might be a great way to motivate myself to do some art every day for 30 days.  It starts on Tuesday 1st November.   Why not join me in making art everyday throughout November.  And the best thing: It's free to sign up!

Thursday 27 October 2011

Black & White ....

... and a touch of orange.

To find out more about this painted page go to Artful Faith or Faithful Art

Saturday 22 October 2011

Why do I do it?

I expect you can guess what's coming.

Yes, yet again I have signed up to multiple online courses.  One Little Word with Ali Edwards at Big Picture Scrapbooking is a year long course which ticks along in the background.

It's a bit like when I shop at Michaels in Palm Bay.  I only spend a little each time I go ~ using the 50% off coupons, obviously, ~ but when I get to pack my case I realise I have bought quite a  bit. 

So with the online courses, each one comes up and I think, 'that sounds great' and I sign up.  Then at a point sometime later (like today!) I write down everything I have signed up for and find that I really, really have signed up to too many things.

And as regular readers know I am an A* pupil of Procrastination so I haven't actually started on any of them!

However I do have a good excuse this time.  On October 1st I went to San Diego for a week and then to Palm Bay, Florida for a week.

I'll treat you to some photos of my trip instead of any artwork!

Tuesday 18 October 2011

An online course

You know how much I love online courses.  You know, all those courses I start and never finish.

Well here's another one.  You could sign up too!  Join me in starting a Divine Romance.

You can follow my progress with this course on my other blog.

Mr Random Generator

Who should I Pass the Book to?

Thanks for your comments for passing Art Saves to someone.   I asked my lovely husband to act as Mr Random Generator and he pulled out Carolyn's name. 

Congratulations.     I'll get it in the post to you as soon as possible.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Pass the book

Here's your opportunity to read the book 'Art Saves'.

Leave a comment below by Sunday 16th October and on Monday 17th I will choose someone to receive it.    Only condition is that if you are chosen, you have to pass it on.

To find out more about 'Pass the Book' go to Sian's blog.


To take part in Pass The Book Year Two, please visit Melissa at  Daily Life - Bits and Pieces.

Saturday 1 October 2011

31 days of October

I was hoping to take part in the '31 days of .... ' project.  However, as ever, things have escaped me.

But that doesn't stop you following along with it.  Go to the start and see where it leads you.  Happy Hunting.