Tuesday 17 August 2021

How are you doing?

How are you getting on as we return to something near normal in the UK?

We went out to meet a group of friends from church in a restaurant last week.  There were 20 of us.  I was quite nervous all day but once I was there it was fine.

My car broke down.  Fortunately on my drive.  I had to get the RAC to come and sort it.  It turned out the computer thing inside in the engine needing resetting.  A bit like turning your printer off and on when it doesn't work!   Apparently lots of cars have had problems in the last few months due to lack of use!

And lack of use applies to my muscles too!

My car was away having new brake pads and so I decided to walk the less than a mile to the hairdressers.  I had to ask one of my neighbours to come and pick me up and take me home because the pains in my muscles was so great I couldn't walk back.

So now I am doing short walks each day to try to get back some level of stamina and fitness.

Our local council has sown wildflower meadow areas in the local park which has made the muscle pain more bearable.  I feel like I'm out in the countryside rather than suburbia.

I'm up to a mile now and learning to walk through the pain.  Each day the pain is in a different muscle.  Soon they'll stop moaning and I'll be able to get back to walking along towpaths.

Preferably ones with canalside pubs!

Thanks for joining me today

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