Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Textile Explorations

Liske has started a new year of Art Textiles Groups.  This year's theme is Textile Explorations and has come out of her 100 day project where she made little collages each day using different techniques.

I took along for inspiration my Venice based Concertina sketchbook and some remnants of fabrics I have used for my Venice hangings.

I made 4 little collages during the workshop.  They are all 10cms square.

Back home it dawned on me that I had my 30 days of collage book.  So I looked through that and made some more fabric collages. 

I also added other bits to the original 4 squares and started stitching them.

I could have made quite a few more but I think I need to do more stitching to these before that.

Thanks for joining me today

1 comment:

  1. LOVE them Bernice, Especially Like your colour choices. WELL DONE YOU xx


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