Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Challenge update 3

Here are the next pages in my sketchbook for the 30 days of collage challenge I set myself.

I was only going to do 3 posts about this challenge but I've decided as I will have 4 pages left in the sketchbook after today that I will carry on to fill the book.  My final post about the challenge will be on Saturday.

I may even have done something with the cover!

Thanks for joining me today.


  1. Hi Bernice, I have really enjoyed your journey through these. Wish I had the discipline to do similar. Love what you have done. Luv D

    1. Thank you Dorothy. I think it's about being intentional. Plus it helped that I said I was going to do it publicly on the blog and my personality type tends towards doing it if I've said I'kk do it. Although that doesn't always work out!


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