Saturday, 6 June 2020

What can I do?

This last few days have been strange.  Strange because of the virus BUT more strange because of the death of  George Floyd and the worldwide reaction to it.

Last Tuesday we were encouraged to fill social media with a black square.  I admit I didn't do it.  Lots of people I love and respect did - and that's fine.  But to me it was a silent protest.  And really this isn't the time to be silent.  We have to speak out.  We need to help.

And if you're like me, a white privileged person, it's hard to know what to do.  I think we - I - need to find out more about racism and how we can promote equality.  One thing as a Brit I needed to find out was why racism is such a problem in America.  I found this to be useful.

And then there's this

So what can we do?

I thought it would be great if we could support those who have a voice on social media. And those who don't!   To flood our own social media with the work of non-white authors, poets, artists, creatives.   Use the hashtag #amplifymelanatedvoices

Here are a few IG accounts to look at.
Candice Brathwaite:

Rachel Cargle:

No White Saviours:

Munroe Bergdorf:

And a book to read: paperback & Kindle We Need To Talk About Race or here at Book Depository.

If you follow any creative people please share a link to them in the comments below.

Thank you.


  1. As a young teen I read a book [ BLACK LIKE ME ] that helped shape my perspective - I've re-read a couple of times and recently bought an updated version [photos added from the era, I think] - a great book for everyone that will open your mind and heart...


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