Tuesday, 23 June 2020

A vision board or two

In our Word of the Year group it was suggested we looked back over 2020 and looked forward to the rest of the year.  Mary provided some great questions on her blog post 2020 Vision Board & Moving Forward.   Do have a look at them.

To be honest I didn't answer the questions, I just went for the vision board for my word: Walk.

I've missed walking alongside the canals during lockdown.  I found this great picture of the canal in the centre of Birmingham in the Ramblers magazine.

At the same time as the vision board came up as a topic for Living your Word, it came up in the course I am doing: Created to Thrive led by Matt Tommey.  The book is worth reading even if you don't do the course.

This 'board', (actually cardstock!), has two parts to it.  The lefthandside represents the role God has for me in encouraging creativity within my church, including running a community creative space. I had been wondering whether I was supposed to be building up a group of creative influencers within the church, running specific groups eg photography, writers etc but have had several confirmations this week that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

On the right is some of the work I have done in the last couple of years. Over the last six months, (regular readers will have noticed), I have been querying whether this was the creative work I was supposed to be doing. What was my style/voice etc? But as I was working in the workbook for the course, I felt God say I was to carry on with what I was doing, to make more pieces (fabric and/or paper) to bring glory to Him.

So that's what I'm going to do.  Make books, small hangings and anything else I'm inspired to make.  I'll share what I make here, as always!

Thanks for joining me today.

Living Your Word 2020
My friends Valerie Sjodin and Mary Brack, and I share insights through blog posts for creatively living a word of the year. In our Facebook group, we encourage one another by posting questions and prompts to inspire living out a word focus, keeping a journal etc. It is a safe place to ask for prayer and support. If you would like to connect with others in creative ways about living your word, you can ask to join our Living Your Word of the Year 2020 by clicking on the link below.

Join our Facebook group: Living Your Word of the Year

On social media: #livingyourword2020

To ensure you get updates from Valerie, Mary & I why not subscribe to our blogs.
Mary: www.foundonbrighton.com
Valerie: www.valeriesjodin.com/blog
This one: www.newlycreative.com

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