Saturday, 4 July 2020

Final 30 day challenge update

The final update of my 30 day challenge.  Plus a bit of a twist at the end!

So the challenge was finished.  But there wer still pages left in the sketchbook, so I kept going.

I painted the inside of the covers and the facing pages with acrylic paint.

I used the same colour on the outside of the sketchbook and did a quick collage.

I've enjoyed being a little bit creative every day.  30 days is a reasonable amount of time for a challenge.  I'm in awe of Mary doing the 100 day project.  She has already done 80 days.

And now she is putting out a challenge of her own.  31 days of words found in Thessalonians 1 & 2. Mary will be writing a Bible study each day to go with it.  I think I'll give it a go.  Probably still making collages whilst meditating on the verse(s) Mary highlights for that day.

Thanks for joining me today.


  1. Hi Bernice. I have enjoyed watching you do these. Well done. I shall follow you doing the next set! :)

  2. Hi Bernice - I have been a faithful lurker for some time now, and just have to say - I've loved all the in-depth sharing of your various workshops - but love these little collages best of all. Just received my books from favorite UK fiber artist Jette Clover, and she starts her day with 20 minute collages. She, and you, have inspired me to do the same. Thanks!

    1. Thank you Deborah. Check out my friend Mary on Instagram if you love collages.

  3. I’ve loved watching your work each day Bernice. Thanks so much for sharing.


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