Saturday, 13 November 2021

Another online course

I signed up for an online course through Fibre Arts Take Two.  The course is called Process & Possibilities - Connecting with Collage.   The tutor is Cordula Kagemann.

I have watched all of the videos and done some of the activities.  I made some collages and am continuing to make them.

I tried image transfer but this one didn't work very well.  I'll try again sometime.

I also tried making a textile sheet.  My first attempt became dark grey because I didn't allow the layers to dry properly before putting the next layer on.  I knocked it back with white paint and a bit of turquoise, but it's still a bit grey.

With my second attempt I tried different colours of layers than those in Cordula's instructions.  This is much more in my colour palette.  I'm looking forward to cutting it up.

Thanks for joining me today.

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