Saturday, 20 November 2021

More collages. Really!

Yes really!  More collages.

In Saturday Sketchbooks Hilary has been concentrating on collage and pattern.  One suggestion she made was that we made collages and then copied them on the next page, colour matching our paints as best we could.   This didn't appeal to me at all.  I mentioned in the previous post that I am using half an A5 concertina sketchbook.  I decided to do a series of collages using a limited colour palette.   I'm really pleased with the results.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do next.

Thanks for joining me today


  1. Love these - you've inspired me to try something a bit different with my collages!

    1. Thanks Christine. I hope I'll get to see your collages

  2. They look great Bernice. Well done you.


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