Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Junque Journal

I signed up to do the Art Journal Caravan and on the forum discovered a link to some videos on YouTube on how to make a Junque Journal.

So here is my Junque Journal made from a notebook, some scrapbooking papers I was never going to use on a layout and some distress inks.   In the supermarket today I found the excellent mini foldback clips and the paper clips shaped like hands and feet.

So here's the cover and what it looks like from the outside:

And now some of the pages inside:

The Junque Journal is for keeping all sorts of bits and pieces that you want to keep but aren't really for display.   It's about the things we collect that remind us of events or activities in our lives.


  1. what a wonderful idea for a journal. It is quite beautiful.

  2. What a brilliant idea & I love how you have used papers that are never going to be used for layouts. Lovely :)

  3. Thanks for posting about this - I LOVE this idea and can't wait until Thursday when I should have time to start on my own version!! I loved the videos of how to make one! I've made several composition book art journals but this is a different idea and perfect as I tend to keep all kinds of junk - I need a journal to put it in!!! :)

  4. Fabulous looking, I have now started mine!

  5. Great work Bernice - Not one for lett the grass grow under your feet (unlike me) Loved the vid and was tempted to do my own - but as of yet not got round to it. Would love to see it when it starts to fill up.
