Saturday, 13 February 2010


My name is Bernice and I am not a naturally tidy person.   There I've said it.   That said there comes a time when I haven't put things away and I end up with just enough room to put a 12"x12" piece of paper on a table designed to seat 8 people!!!   So I determined to tidy up the space which could be called a craft room or a studio but was built to be a dining room.   I have a kitchen as well but that's only because it came with the rest of the house.  :)

I started yesterday.  I had read an article about how to overcome procrastination and the author said two interesting points in amongst several good points.  One: break the task down into smaller parts and two: say what you are going to do out loud.   So flies on the wall have heard me say: "I am going to put all the papers away", "I am going to sort out this cupboard", "I am going to find the dining room table" etc.  Actually I'm hoping there weren't any flies, although I did find some cobwebs.  Perhaps the spiders ate the flies.  (Cue for a song here!)

Anyway, I am pleased to say that I have finished and I can now start making a mess again.

Here are the before pictures:                         And here are the after:

So now I am ready to start making a mess.   I'm taking part in a Cybercrop on SFTIO today plus I have two scraplifts to do for a Scraplift on UKS, plus a CJ entry to do and a new Journal to make.

I don't think the table is going to look like this for long!


  1. Girl you are so much cleaner than I! LOL It looks great!

  2. Your before pix look like my dining room. I looks sooooo much like it is in use and not just for show, it's great. At least you can fill up the table once more.....oops I mean at least you have space to work once more!!!

  3. Well done Bernice! I used to enjoy housework but as I've got older I find more excuses Or procrastinate endlessly! Its nice to actually use the dining table (to sit at) once in a while though:)


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