Monday, 12 April 2010

Faith scrapping in Derbyshire pt2

The retreat officially started on Friday evening. However as we had all arrived the night before we decided to get going before dinner rather than waiting.

Sue and Sue, more usually known as Amy’s Auntie and Amazing Grace, had organised the scrapbooking activities for us. We had been told we could only take a maximum of 14 sheets of cardstock or patterned paper and some matching embellishments. We also had to take photographs relevant to Easter ~ but not bunnies or eggs! We were allowed our usual table top tool caddy and one box of stash/tools. Each of us had been asked to take one particular additional tool. I was asked to take my distress inks. Carolyn was asked to bring her Bind-It-All but the rest of us didn’t know that!

This was the time when we discovered that our first activity was to make the covers and pages for a minibook in which we were to make small (6”x6”) layouts throughout the weekend about the last week of Jesus’ life using the Stations of the Cross. It was at this point I realised that I had really not read the instructions properly - what little there were of them - on the forum and in the letter I had received. In particular I hadn’t read the sizes of the photos correctly plus I didn’t have sufficient of them! One of the things I did point out was there weren’t many photographers about in AD33! The two Sues had been particularly secretive about what we were going to be doing over the weekend and so it was mere chance if I had the right thing with me to do what I was being asked. Despite this, it was great fun and we had lots of laughs despite the seriousness of the subject matter.
I know very little about the Stations of the Cross and took some time to feel comfortable about what we were doing. Part of this was because some of the stations didn’t really feel relevant to the story. However I got over myself and got on with the minibook. Sue (aka MarySue ~ or Amy’s Auntie ~ all of which is a whole other story) had prepared bible studies for various of the sessions and the original idea had been that we would pass our books round at each session and put our contribution into someone else’s book. Carolyn & I decided we would prefer to do our own books and contribute to the others if Karelyn, MarySue and Sue so wished. This was only a minor rebellion!

I finished my book over the weekend but mostly that was because I did very little writing in mine. The others wrote the story or their reaction to what was going on in the story whilst I recorded the main point I had gained from the Gospel accounts.




The four ladies each made comments on a tag for me about the weekend which are in the pocket of the back cover.


  1. Looks really good seeing it all laid out like that.

  2. A lovely looking book. Glad you all had a great time.

  3. Top marks for style and finishing, it's a lovely piece of work, makes me want to pick up mine and get on with it.


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