Thursday, 4 August 2011

On the beach

 Last week I introduced you to the Heart Journaling weekly challenge that I'm taking part in.   This week's assignment was : 'Create a free-spirit spread (two-pages) using the concept of Sand, Sun, Beach, etc. This could be a tribute page to a past vacation, or some sort of paradise, beach-related.... Use any stamps you want, colors, etc.'

I used gesso for the clouds and then used 3 colours of blue Dylusions spray inks for sky, wiping the ink on with a baby wipe.   I used Golden's Clear Granular Gel mixed with acrylic paint for the sand which I applied with a palette knife.  I used Tim Holtz stamps for the birds and a set of stamps (I don't know the manufacturer's name) for the palm trees and umbrellas.  I added some torn book paper for the waves.


  1. I LOVE this Bernice! I feel like I could just step onto the page and be at the beach. Like one of the sidewalk drawings in Mary Poppins!

  2. amaaaazing, it is so serene :)

  3. Wow Bernice this looks fantastic!


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