Friday, 2 September 2011

September 1st

It's amazing where the year has gone!  The shops are putting out their Christmas displays and we haven't had Autumn yet.  I don't allow myself to think about Christmas until after Andy's birthday on September 19th.  However this year I was really organised about his birthday as friends were travelling to Australia and have taken his present with them!  So I could possibly start thinking about the end of the year.

Today is the first day of Learn Something New Every Day and 30 Days of Lists.  One of the things I've learned today, yet again, is that I really do sign myself up to too many things.  So I'm afraid 30 Days of Lists may well fall by the wayside. 

I've had a day off today from preparing for the launch of Wholly Creative.  In my mind, September 1st was going to be launch day but it's tomorrow now.

I thought that today I would finish all my August challenge layouts for Scrapbooking From the Inside Out and here is my last one.

On Saturday I am taking part in the Art From the Heart blog hop which will start on Dyan's blog.   I've completed my post for that so come back on Saturday to take part.


  1. I know what you mean about signing up to too many things - looking forward to the seeing her blog hop - can't wait to see what Dyan has up her sleeve.
    Great LO x

  2. I too know what you mean, so far so good. Looking forward to seeing your Lsned album pages.

  3. Lovely page,I too am looking forward to seeing the blog hop! I went to Dyan's studio in Feb ( a long way for me as I love down South) to attend Tim Holtz's class - it was fab!


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