Saturday, 26 November 2016

December Daily preparation

This is a photo heavy post!  After last week's post about Advent and December Daily I decided to strike while the mojo was with me.   I already had lots of page protectors so I ordered a binder.  The holes didn't match the binder but never mind - that's what a Cropadile is for!

I decided to stick with black, white, grey, silver and some pale turquoise & ice blue.  Ali Edwards suggests that you get your foundation pages done ahead of time.  You can always move things about but at least each day in December you only have to think about the photo and the writing.

So here are all mine - ready to go!

I had some diary pages left from the pages I bought for the Documented Life project - that I gave up on in June!


I haven't totally decided on what I am doing from December 26th to 31st.   Ali's December Daily only goes to December 25th but I may keep going so I have got some extra pages just in case.

I used scrapbook papers I already owned, digital downloads from Ali Edwards and freebies I found on the internet.  I also cut up some Christmas cards I had kept from last year.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Looks ready to go Bernice! I have lots of these plastic inserts and have never used them. Have fun filling them up.

  2. Wow, it looks great! I am looking forward to seeing how you fill it!


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