Monday, 18 December 2017

December Daily 2

I showed you my first collection of pages on the blog here.  Here are the next few days.

With the snow coming down on Friday I really didn't know whether we would be able to go to the Open Day at Hilary Beattie's studio - a 100 miles from my house.  However it was a lovely day and we got there and back in good time and had a great time at the studio.

The next day the snow returned and the roads were treacherous.  Church was cancelled.  My car disappeared under 8" of snow.

I don't have a story for December 11th and will come back to it.  The day was spent indoors because the snow had frozen.  Maybe that should be the story!

I put the tree up on the 12th.  According to Facebook's On this Day, I regularly put the tree up on the 12th!  Who knew!

And then the news we had been waiting for!  Our second grandson was born.

In the evening we celebrated Flynn's birth at my church small group's Christmas social. It's so lovely to celebrate with close friends - especially when your new grandson is in Australia.

I'm really pleased that I am mostly up to date.  Only one day to fill in.

Thanks for joining me today.

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