Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Daily photos

I have completed my daily photo for 42 days.  My last post showed you 12-21.  I was going to put the rest on this post but realised that's 21 photos so I'll do two posts.

Pub Lunch. Yummy crackling

Canalside living

Pages from my Venice concertina book

Decay and shadow


Seafood Linguine

Collage play at C2C

Silver Birch trees

Photo being used for design work

Designing with paper

Thanks for  joining me today.  Next time the last of my daily photo challenge

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy seeing daily photos. I stopped doing 365 a couple of years shop and do miss the routine and thinking about what to take. Some of my best our favourite photos were among these daily takes. It shows the diversity of your life and I enjoyed this glimpse into your world


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