Saturday, 14 March 2020

Poetry of Stitch

I spent 5 days at Committed to Cloth taking part in Christine Chester's new class: Poetry of Stitch.

It was full of ideas for hand stitching and machine stitching.  I think it confirmed to me that I prefer hand stitching to machine although I did love this result:

At the end of the 5 days we spread out what we had done.  This is Christine's photo of my table.

I didn't take as many photos as I usually do - too busy trying to keep up! - so I've borrowed another of Christine's photos to show the piece I started on the last day.  I started with hand stitching.  It probably needs some machine stitching as well but that will have to wait for another day.

Christine shared many tips and pieces of wisdom through the 5 days.  It was a great course and well worth signing up for if you see it advertised, either at C2C or at Christine's own studio.

Thanks for joining me today.

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