Saturday, 19 February 2022

Canal pieces

As you know I like to make pieces about the canal, using fabric that I printed using the breakdown printing technique.

I finished this piece.

I cut up the remaining fabrics and reassembled them into these two rectangles and they were going to be made into rectangular hangings.

However, I felt that the rectangles were fairly static and that canals do flow.  Not like rivers flow.  Nevertheless the water does move particularly when locks are opened to allow boats to move through.
I cut the rectangles into strips the same width as the internal measurement of the bobbins I have stashed away.  This is the top rectangle cut up.

And this is the larger rectangle cut up.

I machine stitched this piece in slightly wavy lines.  I cut off the double layer of calico edges leaving all three layers with raw edges.   The top part.

The lower part

It's quite difficult to photograph.  I used the stairs so that it would undulate.  My plan is for it to be attached to the bobbins so that when the piece is exhibited one raw edge will be towards the wall.  The whole thing

I have stitched the second piece but haven't yet trimmed the edges.

Thanks for joining me today



  1. WOWEEE! That was a marathon stitch up Bernice. Very well done. xx

  2. I love your work! I love the thought process you followed in this piece, about it not having the feel of a canal. I also admire your bravery in cutting things up. Thank you so much for continuously sharing. It's beautiful!


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