Saturday, 7 September 2024

Satin Stitch

Last month I told you I was going to work on the piece I started at Summer School.  I had machined all the pieces together and was then trying to decide what to do with it.

I thought I would put the three words I had used in all the printed fabric onto a photo.

The fabric is much darker in the photo than it actually is!  I was thinking of cutting the letters out of fabric and bonding them on.  However the printed fabric was done in my handwriting, so I used an italic Copic pen to write my three words on tissue.

I used satin stitch with a dark grey thread for 'captivity'.  And an ochre thread for 'freedom'.

Then I needed to decide what colour to stitch 'identity'.

I chose the variegated skein.

So now it's back to thinking about the other pieces I've already started!

Thanks for being here today

1 comment:

  1. We were discussing my embroidery efforts and OH asked if there was a particular stitch I liked/disliked. I said Satin Stitch is my nemesis. It looks beautiful when done well. But I just can't do it, as i don't have the skill. What skill? he asked PATIENCE I replied. He laughed and laughed. But I shall show him this picture of your work which is beautifully executed. And maybe I shall practice a little more...


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