Tuesday, 22 October 2024

So many waterfalls

On the second full day of our road trip in Queensland we first went to Paronella Park.  Do go to the website and find out about it.  It's a really interesting place.

We then drove to the Skywalk with some magnificent views.

After finding our accommodation for the night we drove to Ravenshoe and the Big Millstram Falls

 And Little Millstream Falls

The next day we went to the Millaa Millaa waterfall

Also the Zillie Falls and the Ellinjaa Falls.

We moved on to The Dinner Falls.  This photo shows one of the three waterfalls that made up the Dinner Falls.

As if all these weren't enough we then visited the less spectacular Malanda Falls

The highlight of the day was seeing the Fig Tree Curtain

We ended the day in Yungaburra where we checked in to a lovely motel for a 2 night stay.

Thanks for being here today


  1. Loved the spectacular waterfalls … and very interesting to see a fig tree curtain.

  2. Christine Harding22 October 2024 at 09:57

    The curtain fig seems to echo the shape and feel of the spectacular waterfalls. Interesting to see similarities between something that is static and the moving water.


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