Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Busy busy busy

I want to tell you about a new adventure I'm involved in. 
Some friends from around the UK and I have got together to start up a new website and forum - especially for Christians who enjoy doing crafts - UKChristianCrafters. We all do a variety of crafts and these are represented on the forum ~ altered art, cardmaking, creative embroidery, cross-stitch, knitting, crochet, felting and scrapbooking.

If we've missed the crafting activity that you enjoy don't worry, it can be added!   As well as talking about our crafts and taking part in the challenges we will be talking about our faith, our lives, and encouraging one another. We hope to have on-line cyberhappenings and maybe even a retreat or two.

If you would be interested in finding out more about UKChristiancrafters then have a look at the website where you will also find a link to the forum.

I hope I'll be chatting to you over on the forum.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Bernice, where's your calendar?! Don't give up on us now! We're nearly half way through!! Kate x


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