Monday, 25 October 2010

More online courses

Yesterday I thought I ought to take stock of what I have committed myself to for the next few weeks.   And true to form, I have signed up for four online courses.  Marit's Mixed Emotions started last week and here is the first lesson completed.

Today Dina Wakley's 'Art Journaling 103' started as did Shimelle's 'True Stories'.   I'm already part way through a 'More Handbound Art Journals' course from My Creative Classroom ~ well, the course is part way through ~ I have only downloaded the instructions!

I'm also considering doing another art journaling course called 'Journal Your Dreams'.  Fortunately three of the first four are over by then and the fourth will only have a couple of days left.   That's assuming that I keep up to date with any or all of them!!!

So I'd better get on.  Need to read Shimelle's prompt and get writing!


  1. I'm loving the combination of Shimelle's and Dina's classes. Looking forward to seeing you in the galleries.

  2. Hi Bernice. Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog! I have loved looking around your site. Those art journal pages look fab. Have fun in all those classes! Abi xx

  3. Wow, your art journal pages are looking great! Good luck with all your classes!

  4. Thanks Bernice for your encouraging comment. Combined with the courage message on your blog, I should be all set now, lol.

  5. i like the word courage! it does bring us in unespected world

  6. Sounds like so much fun! I haven't done an online class in so long!! :) Have FUN!


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