Friday, 10 August 2012

Celebrating UK Artists 5: Anneliese Bates

Welcome to the fifth interview celebrating the talents of British artists in the field of scrapbooking, photography, mixed-media, art journaling, feltmaking and quilting.  Some names you may know and some may not be so familiar but they are all hugely talented.

Our fifth guest is Annelieses Bates

*Brief Bio

I am a certified Ranger Educator and teach mixed media art workshops.   I also create articles for Craft Stamper Magazine and produce artwork that I sell in my Folksy Shop.  I have a husband, three beautiful children, a Japanese Shiba Inu (dog), two Chinchillas and a hamster.

*Who or what are your creative influences?  And why?
My Dad is my first one, he is what I would class as a true artist, can turn his hand to anything and is quite simply brilliant :o) His sketches, drawings and paintings are excellent.

Tim Holtz inspired me to become more creative just after I had discovered scrapbooking and I've gone on from that really.

My mum. She creates beautiful art, (She never thinks she does, but I love it !)

And my Daughter Saskia, she is a very intuitive artist, she has real skill and talent (from my dad obviously !) I enjoy watching her come up with new and exciting ideas.
*What is your preferred medium of creativity?   What appeals to you about this?
Oh gosh !, not sure I could limit it to just one ! hmmm, I suppose all things inky would cover it !

*What other areas of creativity do you dabble in?
I like to make jewellery, I own an Indian bead loom, Basically I'll try anything ! I recently went on a felting workshop which is something I’ve wanted to do for some time, and I really enjoyed it

*What is one of your earliest creative memories?
I remember making a brown sugar paper rabbit at Primary school, it was for Easter for my mum, We stuffed them with cotton wool and stitched the edges. I believe my mum still has it.

*Pablo Picasso said: “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”   How did you find this transition worked in your life?
I try to keep an open mind to most aspects of life, allowing things and people to just be what they are, I think so long as you can appreciate these differences and enjoy them, you keep that child like interest in life and what’s going on around you, that can only reflect in your art, in your spirit of adventure, trying new things 

*How did you find your creative style?
Lol, I think I'm still finding that ! I would hate to think there is only one, perhaps like fashion I prefer to be a bit of a chameleon, never quite what people expect !

*Describe your style in using 5 different words.  Share your thoughts about these words.
Oh gosh .. well Craft Stamper described me as a female Tim Holtz, so I think that implies I like Grunge ! :D

Vintage I love aging things and collecting knick-knacks to add to projects

Eclectic : I never know what I'm going to use next, anything goes

Unplanned : I don't plan what I make, I just do it

Fast: I don't dwell on pieces, again I just do it ! :D

*Which is your favourite technique?

I don't think I have one of my own, I know that when I demo at the shows people like to see the alcohol ink resist on a glass slide technique ... that always goes down well !

*Where you can find Anneliese
Twitter          @the vintage workshop

If you were able to ask Anneliese anything what would you ask?  Please add your question to the comments below.

See you next Friday for an interview with Linda & Laura Kemshall.

Plus there'll be a (special occasion) giveaway.


  1. Really interesting to read - I'm wondering what the most unusual item Anneliese has ever incorporated into her work... I see she uses lots of different things.

  2. What a wonderful post this is Bernice!

    I host a weekly party called Inspire Me Monday and this would be a PERFECT post to share! :-)

    Have a fabulous week and I look forward to getting to know you!

    Create With Joy

    P.S. Connecting with you on Pinterest! :-)


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