Saturday, 21 December 2013

Coming up in 2014

You know me, don't you - those of you who regularly stop by!  I sign up for things!  I sign up for lots of things!

And 2014 is no different.

Firstly I have signed up to do One Little Word with Ali Edwards.

I have signed up before for the OLW online courses and completed 2011 with RESTORE.  In 2012 I got as far as April with FOCUS. I planned for 2013 to be PRESENT however my father was taken into hospital in mid January and died at the beginning of February. OLW went out the window.

So I thought it would be great to sign up for this year - I particularly like the new format - and started thinking about a word. I had a long shortlist of words: released, wholehearted, unconfined, trust, forward, confidence, embrace, overcome and was fairly taken with EMBRACE.

Then I worked my way through a section on numbing in the Gifts Of Imperfection class and realised that I had 'closed down' since September 2012. When this a-ha moment dawned, my word came to me. PARTICIPATE. I am going to participate in life and although the things that I want to bring into my life are the same things I was trying to RESTORE in 2011, I feel more hopeful of success.

Just as I had chosen PARTICIPATE, this popped up on my blog reader.

A free project with Roben-Marie Smith and it seemed to me that it was just the thing to record my daily participation in my own life!  It's a mix of planner and art  journal with a weekly challenge from Roben-Marie and her friends.  Here's my planner ready for January 1st.

I signed up for Creative Jump Start - a great series organised by Nathalie Kalbach.  I've watched CJS for the last two years.  I don't necessarily do any art as a result but it's a great resource and inspiration.

Also in January I will be doing an online class, Studying under the Masters, with Jeanne Oliver and 8 other amazing artists looking at the work of artists such as Matisse, Cezanne and Edward Hopper.

And as if that isn't enough I shall be getting back into Textiles with an online course with Ineke Berlyn and a real life class with Hilary Beattie.  I did these with Hilary at the NEC last August.

There are other things lined up for later in the year but I'm exhausted just thinking about it and I'm sure you're exhausted reading about it all.

Come back next year to see how I'm coping!

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I've picked a word for the last six years and have always found it helpful (okay, one year I didn't do anything with it). I've never done Ali's class, but maybe I will this year. I signed up for a free still life photography class that starts next week. But nothing else. I think I"ll go check out the art journal/planning class.

  2. I signed up for Studying under the Masters! Thanks for enabling me.


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