Thursday 12 December 2013


Today I thought I would show you some pages I've worked on in my journal this week.

I have been doing an online course called The Gifts of Imperfection with the author of the book of the same name.   I'm sure you've heard of Brene Brown.  Here's one of her conversations with Oprah.  You can find videos of her TED talks on YouTube.

And at the same time I have been doing, or rather not doing another online class called Made organised by Beth Morey.  I haven't been able to do the classes because I wasn't in a place to do them.  But after working through the Gifts Of Imperfection pt 1 which included sections on Gratitude and Joy, I was able to start on one of the Made classes: Creative Healing pt 1. This class was created by Megan Armes and from it I have worked on two pages in my journal.

On the first page I wrote in pencil, pouring out how I felt and the pain I was holding on to.  Physical pain. Spiritual pain. Mental anguish.  And then I prayed.

After that I scraped Golden Extra Heavy Gel Medium through a teardrop stencil and let it dry competely.  Because I don't clean my stencils properly most of the time, the Gel picked up the pink ink that was on the stencil from previous use!  When the Gel was dry I put the same stencil in a different place and scraped PaperArtsy Grunge Paste through it.  When that was totally dry I painted over the whole page with some PaperArtsy acrylic paint in blue and added some grren highlights to the grunge paste teardrops.

When all of that was dry I used  a thermofax screen and scraped black acrylic paint through it and when that was dry did it again with white acrylic.   I printed out the verse and coloured the paper with Distress Ink, cut it up and stuck it down.

For the second page which was a study of Psalm 46  it was suggested that we either told God out loud or wrote down the things in our heart, especially the broken things.  I wrote a whole page again in pencil and then covered it up with Gesso.

I used two stencils that I had ordered from StencilGirl - Geomaze and Random Circles.  I put the Geomaze stencil on the page and covered the top of the page using the diagonal line as a guide and sprayed with blue and yellow Dylusions inks.  Then I covered up the bottom part of page and put the Random Circles stencil down and sprayed with the same colours.

I sprayed black ink over the whole page using the stencil 'Use Your Words' which allowed the colours to show through the words.  They are great words and really vital to life but put on a page like this I felt they represented the clamour of life.  I used Dylusions Dy's Alphabet to stamp the words 'be still and know that I am God' and then went over the letters with a silver Signo pen.  The silver words show up much better on the page than in the photo!

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Bernice,
    i am so glad that you are working through all of this. I love the first page and i absolutely love the second page. so proud of you...rooting for you, girl!

  2. I love it when classes work in tandem to help me create. I love the molding paste in the first one.
    I actually did a couple of art journal pages recently. Hope to post them soon.

  3. Love this do much! - judy


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