Saturday, 22 November 2014

Advent in November: Day 22

Welcome to Advent in November.  The inspiration for this blog post can be found here.   Information about how I started my tags can be found here and here and my Advent Journal here.

This tag is one of the ones that had gesso on.  I painted the turquoise acrylic paint on and when it was almost dry I used a wet wipe through a stencil to take off the paint which left the white gesso showing through.

I stencilled through the stencil again with gold acrylic paint having turned the stencil over to get a different image.

I assembled the tag and inked the edges.

The two tags together

Advent Journal
Day 22

I put some stickers of the Kings onto a tag and wrote my journaling on the back.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Bernice! So you have a stencil that has stars AND the town scene? I've been loving your religious stamps you've been using. I know I said in the FB group that I've never shared my work -- too scared/shy/afraid/unsure/whatever -- but I'm also thinking of incorporating my journaling into my Document December Album. I'm using the Pause, Ponder, and Prepare as my "Manifesto," and I had already decided to use the weeks of Advent as dividers -- I have a beautiful stamp from Our Daily Bread Designs that I intend to use on divider pages, "lighting" a new candle each week -- maybe tissue paper as a stained glass background -- oh I have such wonderful ideas.... we'll see how it goes! Thank you for your work and your sharing.... the too quiet mouse in the corner across the pond.


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