Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Creative Hearts Awake pt 2

In no particular order!  As I said yesterday I am blogging about the conference in no particular order.

On Sunday morning we had Forest Church.  Those of you who have primary school age children in the UK will probably know about Forest School.  Well, it was like that but on a Sunday!  It was announced as a playing games type session.  But you didn't have to join in if you didn't want to.

So I was at my Eeyor-ish best
and didn't join in!
I watched from the sidelines.

Actually, if they had been described as activities rather than games I might possibly have joined in.  Forest Church took place in Walkden Gardens which was a real mix of formal and informal and I wandered around taking photos.  Which, as you know, is something I really enjoy.  So here are some of them.

These last two photos are of Karl Fletcher painting the foxglove.

Do you ever have church in the open air?

Do you join in with games?

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Everyone needs to play every now and again.

  2. Bernice, that is SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! What a fabulous artist you are!!! :) The pictures are lovely as well! What a beautiful setting to "sit on the sidelines" and reflect and enjoy His presence! Blessings

    1. Thanks Felicia but the artist is Karl Fletcher

  3. Great photographs Bernice, the one of the flower looks like filigree.... so delicate. What an amazing artist!! Those foxgloves are amazing.... I wish I had half that talent. As for games.... I love them and I have helped at Forest School at my grand daughters school. I used to run Brownies too, so am a big kid at heart! I don't get to play many now a days, not unless scrabble counts!


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