Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Creative Hearts Awake

At the weekend I went to a conference in Sale, Cheshire.  It was called Creative Hearts Awake - releasing the gift of creativity.  While I was there I met up with some other members of His Kingdom Come - Carolyn, Sarah & Karen.  Fran was there too but not when we took the photo!

I think there will probably be more than one blog post about it but they won't be in the order of the conference timetable.

On Saturday afternoon I went to a Creative Writing workshop led by Tim Watson.   He talked about poetry and we worked our way through a short booklet he had put together and then got down to writing.

I have written some poetry in the past but then stopped.  Recently I have felt that I should start again but just didn't know where to start.  Of course the answer is to just do it but that didn't happen.  I needed a kick start and Tim provided it.

After the four of us taking part in the workshop had done an exercise together we were given half an hour to take one of the other exercises and write something.  I was planning to come back early on Sunday because I wanted to be at church to hear Rob preach on Honour - the first part of 5 weeks on the Culture of Jubilee Church.

And before I hear what Rob had to say I wanted to write something about the 5 words that we are using to describe the culture of the church: Honour, Courage, Authenticity, Passion and Family.  Here is what I wrote:

Jubilee. Jubilate!

Bring honour to your name.
Bring honour to your people.
Respect. Love.
Support. Encourage.
Hold in high esteem.
Release the gifts. The spiritual gifts.
Release the talents and the skills.

Jubilee. Jubilate!
Rejoice before our God.
Jubilee. Jubilate!
Take our joy to the people.
Take our God from the confines of the church
Reveal him in the marketplace.

Risk taking. Stepping out.
Find my voice.
Speak out.
Go to the town.
Go to the nation.
Go to the world.
Pray risky prayers.
Jubilee. Jubilate!
Rejoice before our God.

Jubilee. Jubilate!
Take our joy to the people.
Take our God from the confines of the church
Reveal him in the marketplace.

Being me.
Accepting me for who I am
Made in the image of God.
Accepting you for who you are
Made in the image of God.
Each different.
Accepting one another.
Living transparent lives.
Encouraging one another
Helping one another
One anothering.
Iron sharpens iron.
No shame. Just truthful lives
Jubilee. Jubilate!
Rejoice before our God.

Jubilee. Jubilate!
Take our joy to the people.
Take our God from the confines of the church
Reveal him in the marketplace.

Kingdom of Heaven
Kingdom values here on earth.
Pursue. Pursuit.
Run after God.

Jubilee. Jubilate!
Rejoice before our God.
Jubilee. Jubilate!
Take our joy to the people.
Take our God from the confines of the church
Reveal him in the marketplace.

People joined together by our love of God.
Not nuclear.
Not 2.4 children.
A body of people together.
A tribe. A village.
Single. Married. Divorced. Brothers. Sisters.
Related by blood.
Christ's blood.

Jubilee. Jubilate!
Rejoice before our God.
Jubilee. Jubilate!
Take our joy to the people.
Take our God from the confines of the church
Reveal him in the marketplace.

Thanks for stopping by.


1 comment:

  1. I look s like you found your voice, Bernice. I used to run a regular woman's poetry group, it has gone into hibernation at the moment as the main core of us started to use our meeting to create rather than write, but we have also said we have the urge to write again. Keep it up, and I hope the ideas flow.


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