Saturday, 20 August 2016

A grand day out

Make that two!

Last Saturday I went to the Festival of Quilts. I actually spent nearly 5 hours there.  That beats my record for staying at a show by 3 hours!  Anyway, I thought I would share some of the quilts that caught my eye.
Sea Wall Redux by Rosie Epton-Peter

Stone Wall Journal by Linda Turner

Texture & Tiles by Ursual Bowen

Landscape by Grietje van der Veen

Fragments by Judith Barker

Surface III by Isabelle Wiessler

Reflections Reflecting by Peggy Brown
There were a few map related ones as well.   Can you see the recurring themes in the quilts I chose to photograph?
Colours - the use of a limited palette
Geometry - the use of squares and rectangles without being traditional patchwork

So on to my second day out.  It was my birthday and I got to choose where we went.  I chose Winterbourne House and Garden which is quite local but we have never been.


It's hard to believe that this is so very close to the centre of the city.  It was so beautiful.

There was a print room with old printing presses and lots of printing blocks.  This is only ever open on a Friday but our visit was on Wednesday.  And it was open! 

And then to top it all off there was an art exhibition which featured amongst others - Steph Redfern.

Two really lovely days out.

Thanks for stopping by.

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