Saturday, 3 September 2016

Happy Squares

In May I went to a Shibori indigo dyeing day at Littleheath Barn with Liske and Claire.

Some of the cotton samples I made:

I booked to go on another workshop with Liske called Happy Squares and I thought it would be good to take my indigo dyed cloth with me.   I used Thermofax screens with pearlised white paint to knock back the blue using a nautical theme.

I decided I would make 4 squares and tore up the fabric into 6.5" squares.  I laid out the squares and auditioned bits until I was happy.  These photos are a bit blurry as I was taking them with my phone.  (My camera is away being repaired!)

I ironed the words on as they had been printed on bondawebbed canvas and I stitched the other pieces on.

Back home I decided to cut out another 8 squares and now I have my camera back I have taken some photos.

At Littleheath Barn I was able to have some words typed out and printed onto fabric.  I had some of the fabric left over which already had bondaweb on it so I used a permanent pen and wrote words on the scraps and ironed them on.

There's still lots of hand stitching and machining to do before I can assemble all these squares into a book.  Hopefully it will get finished - unlike two other versions of this that I have still in progress.

Thanks for stopping by.


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