Saturday, 15 December 2018

Moving ideas on

Last time I showed you the small collages I made using gel plate monoprints. I tried them out in small concertina book.

As I mentioned I now need to decide what to make.  This is still being percolated in my brain but in the meantime I thought I would dye some fabric with procion dye using the colours in the monoprints as inspiration.  I put equal amounts of old linen, cotton poplin, silk, silk viscose rib and scrim in two trays.

I used Magenta, Merlot, Dark Blue and Charcoal Procion dyes.

In this tray I used Golden Yellow, a Scarlet & Lemon mix and some Charcoal.

Rinsed and on the drying rack

Dry and ready for use.

Now to concentrate on what to make and then to make 12 samples.    It's all go here!

Thanks for joining me today.

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