Tuesday, 4 June 2019

ATG: Seasons

Since last September I have been attending an Art Textile Group at Littleheath Barn run by Liske Johnson.  The theme for the work we were doing was the Seasons.

As you may know I love making books and I love doing collages, so here was the opportunity to combine the two.  We started the sessions working on Summer but having finished the work I have decided to join the book so that it starts with Winter.

The Front Cover
The book is approximately 7" x 6"

For each season I made 3 collages.  At one point each season could have become a panel rather than a zigzag book.





The Back Cover

During our time together we tried out various techniques on fabric, the results of which sometimes were included in the book and some pieces have added to my ever-increasing stash.

Thanks for joining me today.


  1. Bernice I love all of this work. Love the subtle colours and the quotes. I shall look forward to seeing your finished zig zag in due course.
    I too love making books and am slowly doing one on daisies at the moment.

  2. this is just absolutely stunning

  3. I love these delicate colours and simple shapes and line...so effective! How do you print the little phrases..is it transfer paper?


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