Thursday, 9 April 2020

Two days in Sydney

Our first full day with the Hopper Juniors and Minors.  The minors went off to 'school' - that's daycare to the rest of us and Andy & Naomi took us to Girigal Park.  This was one of Andy's  gentle, undualting walks!  In reality, a really steep downhill walk with some of the path having been washed away.

Fortunately for me, he decided to go back to fetch the car on his own and meet us further on into the park.  There were some really interesting 'rusty' rocks.

We have never visited at this time of the year and so have never seen that the Eucalyptus tree sheds its bark.

Underneath it looks like clay with finger marks.

There was also a small waterfall.

On Wednesday, (another childfree day), Andy & Naomi took us to their favourite cafe at Clontarf.

We then drove to Manly.  We walked along to the centre of Manly where we found a great restaurant for lunch.  Sadly for them, but nice for us, we were the only customers.

Andy & Naomi left us in Manly and drove home.  We went for a walk.

Afterwards we took the Manly ferry back to Circular Quay in Sydney.

I have loads of photos of Sydney from all our visits so I didn't take many that day.  Just enjoyed being there.  We got the train to Rockdale and Andy picked us up at the station.

We had a Lebanese takeway with one of their friends, Sam.  He is a writer and I love following his blog.

Thanks for joining me today.

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