Saturday 2 January 2021

Journal 2021

For 2021 I have chosen to follow along with Valerie Sjodin's Plan with me in 2021.  There are free tutorials on Valerie's blog, but I have signed up for the Premium version.

I am taking inspiration from Valerie's tutorials and as far as possible making her ideas my own.  If you are a regular reader you might remember that I said in this post that I wanted this year's journal to be less rigid.  That's all well and good but when I really thought about it,  I really like working in squares.  Lots of my textiles are squares.  My last two sketchbooks are squares.  So guess what!  Instead of circles that Valerie is using, I'm using squares.  And as much as I love the new layout Mary Brack has been trying out, I decided to stick with the squares and the rigid.

I am using squares as a symbol throughout my journal.

One of the things I want to learn this year is how to take decent pictures of my journal and sketchbooks!

My Word of the Year is Intentional.  On this definition page I also included synonyms, antonyms and a quote.

I have no idea why I included a future log.  More in hope than anticipation I think!

I've written the workshops in pencil because there's still the likelihood they may be cancelled.  Especially the January ones as we recently went into tier 4 lockdown.

Intentional isn't a word that you see in the Bible but fortunately I found a list online of suitable verses.

Quotes were easier to find, although not many of them actually include the word Intentional.

One of Valerie's design ideas is to use the Dutch door as a divider.  I am using the winter symbols of raindrops and snowflakes.  Valerie suggested doing doodles, but I don't doodle, so  I used a stamp that has this lovely garland of snowflakes.

This page is reserved for a private thoughts based on a three day study on Lectio365 - a daily devotional app.  Valerie provides a montly devotional in the premium version of Plan With Me.

For most of 2020 I wrote what I actually did in the month at the end of a month rather than use it as a guide to what I was going to do.  Who knows how this will get used!

I wrote the areas I want to intentionally focus on this year.  I wrote them inside squares of course!   And finally the start of the journal for recording to do lists, gratitude lists and what I did each day.

Valerie, Mary & I have archived the Living Your Word of the Year group on Facebook as we feel led to doing other things.  However you can still follow along with us as we continue in our own ways to live out our word of the year.



Thanks for joining me today

PS:  While you are here check out Simply Create



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