Continuing my search for my focus word for this year, I had another chat with Mary in Messenger. I also picked up on the idea in the video I shared in my last post about listening out for a word or words that repeatedly catch the attention.
Amazingly, the word {connect} kept cropping up. One of the times was when I was watching a programme about Charlie Mackesy who wrote the The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse. Bear Grylls spoke about Charlie's sculptures showing connection and also said 'where there's connections there's always strength'.
I started thinking about connect and connections and then realised that I had chosen {connect} in 2017. At the time, as I told you in my previous post, I was using Ali Edward's workshop, but had only got as far as March with it. You can see how I got on, in these posts: January, February, March
I'm determined to do better this year. To become more connected to my word! More connected to my Creativity, to my Community, to my Well-being and to my Identity (which includes my faith).
There are several people in the One Little Word Facebook group with the same word. I set up a subgroup for them all so that we can all be connected. Good start for our word, I think.
I am not going to make a separate journal for my word as I did back in 2017. I'm going to include it in my planner.
The week of December 26th to January 1st was in my 2022 planner and in the new one for 2023. I didn't want to copy the 2022 page so I did this instead.
I went back to my box layout from 2022 and tweaked it for this year. I've cut these boxes out and stuck them into my planner.
It takes quite a while to set up a new planner/journal but I am getting there. Some of it was even ready for January 1st.
I did however manage to get the pages ready for this week. I started with the pages that sassiecassieplans did on YouTube but deviated because I like more boxes than she does!
I've still got things to do in my planner for January but at least I've started.
Thanks for joining me today.
Hi Bernice a great word to keep in the back of your mind in 2023. It’s so easy to go into isolation and disconnect but lovely to hear your four ways of connecting and that you’ve already set up a sub group.