It was suggested that we pick a daily practice for the month of February. I chose to get dressed straight after breakfast everyday. As I said in my previous OLW post my choice might not seem much
to you but it's quite a biggie for me. When I was working I could get
up at 6.55am and be out of the house an hour later. These days it can
be as late as 11 o'clock before I get dressed and much of the hours
after breakfast are spent in PJs and dressing gown sitting at the
computer. Sometimes I work but mostly it's Facebook and Pinterest.
And I achieved it everyday for 28 days! Yeah!
For various reasons I didn't add any extra exercise to my hour on a Monday at the gym but I am being kind to myself and not worrying about it.
I signed up for Ali's Story Kit 'Bond' because I felt it fitted with my word {Connect}. However it took quite a while to arrive and I haven't done anything with apart from taking the together card out of it and using it in my February page. I listed the things where Roger & I had intentionally gone out and spent time together.
Thanks for stopping by.
It's looking good Bernice. Well done on meeting your February challenge.