Saturday, 30 March 2024

Chaos update

My Chaos to Calm piece is coming on slowly - mostly because I haven't really buckled down to it.

Since I last posted about it I have stamped some unreadable text on the dyed calcico using acrylic paint.  Because I wanted some of the cord to fall off the edge of the piece I put the partially dyed calico onto a piece of felt with black cotton poplin backing.  It's rare for me to think about how a piece will be finished before I even start!

Once the back was finished it had enough weight for me to be able to stitch down the thick cords.

I wrapped some of the thick cord with torn fabric and stitched that on over the top.

I placed the small fragments I had made.

I made some different thicknesses of cord using the zigzag stitch on my machine.

I stitched the fragments on using cross stitch.  I have now started adding the thinner dyed cord.

Once the thinner cord is attached, I shall be adding more fragments and then the thin machine cords.

I'm really pleased with how it's going.  I've set myself a deadline of April 11th to finish the piece.  I'll let you know how that goes!

Thanks for joining me today

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